Thursday, January 22, 2009

A pat from down under

While the icy, winter air may put a chill on some people’s amorous advances. It’s done nothing to slow down this Cop-a-feeler from Australia. Thanks P for the share.

"As I am a young, mid-20s Asian-American professional living and working in Beijing, I’m oftentimes mistaken as a young, local Chinese woman. This means frequently being asked "where have you learned such good English?" even AFTER introductions (where I repeatedly say that I was born and raised in the US) have been made and getting completely ignored at networking events where Western men introduce themselves to one another yet do not bother to introduce themselves to me (and, to add insult to injury, pass me over when giving out their name cards).

S, a tall, dark-haired Australian wine distributor, introduced himself to me, shakes my hand, and slings the other arm around me, hand planting nice and hard on my right but tcheek. The shock and indigence on my face must have given away my reaction, as he says "Lighten up, honey, this is the way us Ozzies are!" I shake my head at him and say "Yeah, but I’m not Australian. I’m American", extract my hand back from his viselike grip, and start to walk (more like run) away.

But the fun didn't end there.

As I try to calm my nerves waiting for a cranberry juice (no alcohol - New Year's resolution to lose weight) at the bar, he comes up behind me AGAIN, pats me firmly on the behind (as I am facing the bar, waiting for the bartender to pour my drink). This time I utter a loud yelp of surprise, and he mimics my outcry, then disappears back into the crowd. Good thing too as my hand is ready to land across his pretty little face.

I managed to tell a good number of people at that networking event of these delightful incidences, and received the small consolation that they would most likely report this man to the folks involved at this event.

Unfortunately this is not the first (nor probably the last) time this sort of thing has happened."


Unknown said...

It all blends in,... sort of,... young mid-20's ABC "... don't have an accent?" Beijing doesn't have a multi-cultural backdrop for you. Next time try taking the Semiotics101 @ Adult Ed.

Unknown said...

He was probably from Queensland (the real Australia).

lucheech said...

I had an Aussie asshole sidle up next to me at an indie rock club in Beijing and ask, "What are you doing standing next to me with such amazing breasts?"


McThree said...
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McThree said...

lol... I'm getting a kick out of these.

"Oh no men find me sexually attractive! How dare they! I should punch them all in the dick!"

Western women... So hopeless.

McThree said...

lol... I'm getting a kick out of these.

"Oh no men find me sexually attractive! How dare they! I should punch them all in the dick!"

Western women... So hopeless.

Grunt said...

I encourage western feminists to adopt and cultivate such hostile and arrogant attitudes.

Marriage rates in the west are already at the lowest in recorded history, with some western nations boasting 1 in 3 children born are NOT from the putative father.

I could go on for hours, but the point is, lets ensure that all western females keep digging their collective hole (canyon?) deeper and deeper. With the global economy now in complete meltdown, any hope feminists had is now gone.

Western men are now in a full blown "Marriage Strike" with a few exceptions, such as myself, that married a foreign girl. I suggest you femmies all get used to having lots of cats.

Wooch said...

Grunt! What the fuck is up with you dude? Why does it make a woman a feminist if she doesn't like being groped on the butt by a complete stranger? I am an Australian male and most Aussie girls I know would give a guy a good right cross or tell one of their friends what the loser did and have them sort him out. In fact, I saw that happen in HK, the dude regretted it. The Aussie just thought he could get away with it because in Australia he would have got messed up. By the way Grunt, a woman does not need to define herself by marrying a man. Go back to 1950s mate...

McThree said...

Willow = Mangina white knight.

Would you be mad if a woman grabbed your ass? You'd take it as a compliment probably. So why should they be mad when a man grabs their ass? Because they're man-hating feminazi .

They hate you too you know. Anything with a dick and balls is their sworn enemy. I'm sure you'll get a pat on the head and a "Good boy!" for your service, though, and I'm sure you'll wag your tail when you do.

BTW, society in 1950's WAS FAR BETTER than society is today. Largely due to the fact that feminists weren't there to shit all over it.

TrueHende2 said...

In a public place, like the subway in shanghai, if any random woman, of any type of looks, behavior, personality, age etc. (which obviously I can't choose) decides to grope me I definitely wouldn't take it as a compliment. Maybe I think she's super ugly. In that case i'd probably feel like throwing up lunch. Think about it. Even if she's attractive to me, it's not acceptable behavior. Why?

If everyone just did whatever they wanted to other people, regardless of whether there was any consent or not, 'society' is pointless. With this basic idea, like "reciprocity makes it fair" extended a little further, anyone who could get away with it could rape whoever they were sexually attracted to regardless of what the other person thinks. Is this really what you want?

lucheech said...

There are various ways of expressing sexual attraction that don't involve unwanted groping or rude comments. And yes, referring to a stranger's breasts to the stranger herself is rude.

Bickie said...
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Bickie said...

"Lighten up, honey, this is the way us Ozzies are." Not in my experience, sounds like an excuse for being a massive douche.

Mungbeans said...

>this is the way us Ozzies are.

No. In Australia this is called sexual assault.

Mungbeans said...

>this is the way us Ozzies are.

No. In Australia this is called sexual assault.